Safety and Environment targets
Brembo's goal is to continuously improve its performance in terms of health and safety in the workplace and in the environment.
In particular, this involves:
- reducing environmental impact and risks in the definition of each product and process;
- the application of eco-compatible technologies;
- taking adequate measures to prevent any form of pollution and accident in its daily activities;
This is a primary goal for the company and Brembo is committed to taking every measure possible to ensure its attainment, including ensuring that all personnel participate in training.
The Safety and Environment Manuals are compiled with reference to standards ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. They include the Policy published in this section and define the guidelines for the management of the companies of the Brembo Group.
Brembo's aim is to be seen as a dependable partner for all clients that implements a policy of harmonious industrial growth deemed meritorious by the community as a whole.
Safety and Environment Principles
- Brembo pursues sustainable development through the integrated planning of development stages for each individual process. The main objectives comprise minimising risks to employees and progressively reducing the environmental impact with the specific aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and using natural resources efficiently.
- The entire life cycle of all Brembo products must be planned appropriately to facilitate the recovery and/or recycling of all materials used.
- The prevention of pollution and risks for the worker is implemented through the appropriate management of substances and processes and the correct operation, maintenance and monitoring of all installations.
- Training and instruction are the primary tools for communicating the principles, guidelines and procedures for the implementation of the Safety and Environmental Management System to employees.
- Brembo's commitment to reducing the environmental impact and residual risks of its activities are also put into practice through open and effective communication with persons and external parties.
- Suppliers and contractors must be involved in the Safety and Environment Management System in order to reduce the environmental impact and residual risks of the activities conducted within the Group's industrial sites.
In the evaluation of suppliers, Brembo gives priority to those with certified Environmental Management Systems.
- Health, individual and public safety and respect for the environment are inalienable prerequisites: all company decisions and the behaviour of each individual are determined by these prerequisites.
- The broad-based and wholesale involvement of all employees is a fundamental prerequisite for the continuous improvement of processes and services concerning Safety and the Environment.