The ranking of the best 10 cars could not neglect the price, a significant variable for anyone who needs to make a decision on which car to purchase. The 10 best cars selected by Car&Driver are represented collectively by 23 different equipment packages that we placed in order based on price, as demonstrated by the ranking of the 10 least expensive cars that we propose here. Many may think that cars with Brembo brakes are always the most expensive ones, but this table shows that 3 of the 10 most economic equipment packages include Brembo brakes.
This shows that, in any case, an excellent car with Brembo brakes as standard equipment can be purchased at prices in the neighborhood of $30,000.
The best 10 cars of 2018 according to Car and Driver in braking
Le The best 10 cars of 2018 according to Car and Driver in acceleration