It is announced that, in execution of the resolution approved by Shareholders’ Meeting held on 20 April 2017, that has been submitted to the Company Register of Bergamo on 4 May 2017, and registered on 8 May 2017, the Stock Split of the 66.784.450 total ordinary shares of Brembo Spa will enter into effect on 29 May 2017.
The Stock Split will be executed by assigning 5 (five) new ordinary shares of Brembo Spa (new ISIN code IT0005252728 - regular dividend - coupon no. 1 and subsequently attached) per each ordinary share owned (old ISIN code IT0001050910 - regular dividend - coupon no. 27 and subsequently attached), that will be contextually withdrawn and cancelled. It is specified that Brembo shares will trade ante Stock Split until 26 May 2017 and post Stock Split starting from 29 May 2017.
The share capital of €34.727.914, which remains unchanged, will be represented by no. 333.922.250 newly issued ordinary shares (without nominal value).
Since the shares have been dematerialised, shareholders will not be required to take any action to receive their new shares. The procedure will take place automatically through intermediaries participating in the management system of Monte Titoli S.p.A., under applicable laws and regulations.
Shareholders will not be required to support any cost.