General Shareholders’ Meeting of Brembo


 The General Shareholders' Meeting of Brembo approved the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2015 and the distribution of an ordinary dividend of €0.80

The General Shareholders’ Meeting of Brembo was held today in Stezzano (Bergamo) and approved:

• the 2015 Annual Report

• the distribution of a gross ordinary dividend of €0.80 per share

• amendments to the By-laws

• the plan for the buy-back and disposal of own shares



Approval of the Financial Statements and Allocation of Profit


The General Shareholders' Meeting of Brembo, held today at the Headquarters in Stezzano, Bergamo, under the chairmanship of Alberto Bombassei, approved the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2015 and the distribution of an ordinary dividend of €0.80 per each outstanding share, with payment date on 25 May 2016, ex-coupon No. 25 on 23 May 2016 (record date 24 May).


Brembo Group’s revenues for 2015 amounted to €2,073.2 million, up 15.0% compared to the previous year. As already disclosed, financial year 2015 recorded a good growth of revenues and margins: compared to the previous year, EBITDA increased by 28.6% to €359.9 million, EBIT by 40.8% to €251.3 million, and net profit by 42.5% to €184.0 million.


The Parent Company Brembo S.p.A. closed 2015 with net revenues amounting to €780.8 million, up by 9.5%, and a net result of €103.3 million, up by 50.1%, compared to 2014. The General Shareholders’ Meeting approved the following allocation of the Parent Company’s profit:

- a gross ordinary dividend of €0.80 per each outstanding ordinary share;

- €0.3 million to the reserve as per Article 6, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree No. 38/2005;

  - the remaining amount carried forward.