
The aspects involved in measuring the capacity to create sustainable value

Materiality Analysis ​Process

As every year, the Brembo Group has updated its materiality analysis — the tool used to identify its material sustainability topics — and therefore aligned the content of its Disclosure of Non-Financial Information, instrumental to providing an overview of the Company’s operations, performance, results and, above all, future strategies and targets. These topics are also material aspects for Brembo’s stakeholders and are identified and constantly updated, including with its stakeholders’ direct engagement. 

In 2022, in advance of the requirements imposed by the new European Directive 2022/2464 (the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), Brembo began the double materiality process, also integrating an "outside-in" perspective (financial materiality) into its "inside-out" impact assessment process (impact materiality) according to the GRI Universal Standards2021. Whereas the "inside-out" approach identifies the impacts generated, actually or potentially, by the organisation and its value chain on the outside world, the "outside-in" perspective looks at the risks and opportunities that may influence the Group's creation of value, strategy, operating and financial performance and positioning in the short, medium or long term. 

For 2023, the assessment of the "outside-in" perspective (financial materiality) was conducted on the basis of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRSs) made available by the EFRAG, i.e. the reporting standard that is to be used by companies subject to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. This assessment is thus to be regarded as fully voluntary and not subject to assurance by the third-party entity that certifies this Disclosure of Non-Financial Information according to the ISAE 3000 Revised standard.


​​Materiality Matrix​



A description is provided below in the interest of a better understanding of these topics:

