Safeguarding workers’ health and wellbeing
Brembo has made the protection of Safety a distinctive element of its own business and way of being, guaranteeing braking systems of the highest quality. This focus on Health and Safety is not only directed to assuring safe products, but it also applies to all People in the Group. This commitment translates into an organised Health and Safety management, which aims on the one hand to respond positively and concretely to the needs of all interested parties, and on the other to ensure increasingly healthy and safe working environments both for Brembo employees and for all those accessing the workplace for different reasons, preventing the occurrence of work-related incidents, occupational diseases and near misses.
To guarantee the highest Health and Safety standards for its own People, Brembo has adopted an increasingly structured approach, especially with regard to workplace, starting from the assessment of risks connected with production activities. To achieve this, the Group complies with local legislative requirements in activities within its production facilities, while promoting constant dialogue with its employees and ensuring that access to all company facilities and outsourced processes takes place in a fully safe manner.
Brembo's commitment to these issues takes concrete shape in the related Health and Safety Policy, which defines the objectives, principles and commitments that the Group sets itself in this area. The document is signed by the Chairman and is subject to periodic reviews.
In order to encourage a corporate culture that promotes Health and Safety and seeks continuous improvement, the Policy is adopted by all sites that are required to incorporate it into their own "Site Policy", as well as adapt the Site Policy content to the operating context based on the main risks featured on the site.
Updated during 2020, upon the issue of the new Management System, a System that has adopted the principles of the ISO 45001 standard, the Health and Safety Policy is an integral part of the broader "Organisational, Management and Control Model". The certification of all sites according to this standard was confirmed for 2023 through special maintenance audits carried out by a third party, which revealed no significant non-conformities.
To ensure the full and effective implementation of the Policy’s provisions, the Group voluntarily submits to regular independent third-party audits to verify that said Management System has been effectively implemented at all the different manufacturing sites. Furthermore, at local level all manufacturing sites undergo a third-party statutory audit to verify and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations in every country where the Group operates.
The Group’s approach as part of the Health and Safety Policy entails analysing, on a plant level, potential sources of risk for its employees and putting the best solutions into place to prevent, reduce and, where possible, eliminate such risks: from appropriate handling of substances and processes to the correct operation, maintenance and control of machinery.
The Group's commitment to overseeing workplace Health and Safety issues also reflects into a systematic approach for monitoring trends in incidents, near misses, unsafe acts and objective conditions. Based on problem solving principles, if indicators are revealed that are not in line with the pre-set objectives or critical issues inside Brembo sites, each individual plant engages in improvement plans and actions, setting up ad hoc working groups. Once the efficacy of the actions adopted has been verified, these are shared within the Group to allow all the plants to implement the same solutions promptly, if necessary. The value added of this process lies in continual search for improvement by involving all employees in collecting ideas and suggestions in the area of workplace Health and Safety.