

Energy consumption

The main source of emissions, energy consumption is also the factor on which Brembo shall focus its commitment to achieve its net zero operating model target. Therefore, in line with the indications of the global scientific community, Brembo's policy is to maximise efficiency in the use of energy while reducing consumption wherever possible and keeping emissions to a minimum. In order to minimise the environmental impact and improve energy performance, the strategy is aimed at reducing energy intensity and CO2equivalent emissions due to production processes, while ensuring economically sustainable operations. 

In order to reach these objectives, and in keeping with what has been set out in its Environment and Energy Policy, revised in 2023, the Group has provided itself with an Energy Management System compliant with ISO 50001:2018, extending it gradually to an increasing number of sites.

The key points of the Group’s energy-related strategy are: 

- measurement and reporting of site energy uses and CO2equivalent emissions; 

- audit and review of the performance of the Energy Management System; 

setting of targets for reducing energy intensity and CO2equivalent emissions; 

- identification, implementation and spreading of energy efficiency improvement projects, through a comparative analysis of the effects on performance; 

- intelligent system planning aimed at minimising energy waste; 

promotion of the development of digital systems serving energy management; 

constant research and evaluation of new solutions for energy self-production; 

constant commitment to in-house research into new production processes and optimisation of existing ones; 

- constant search for opportunities for heat recovery and other forms of energy output from the processes.

When choosing energy sources, Brembo favours renewable energy sources over fossil fuels, on the one hand by pursuing in 2023 as well the Group’s commitment relating to renewable energy purchases, on the other by increasing its self-production capacity, including through the installation of photovoltaic panels. 

The energy quota from renewable sources which the Group procured rose from 69% in 2022 to 75% in 2023. This result was achieved thanks to the purchase of renewable energy certificates (Guarantee of Origin, I-RECs, RECs, etc.), PPAs (Power Purchasing Agreements) and other contractual agreements

100% renewable electricity at Italian sites was maintained in 2023 as well through the purchase of guarantee of origin certificates and electricity generated by photovoltaic systems installed at the Sellero production facility. 

Even the Mexican and Brazilian plants kept 100% of their electricity sourced from renewables for the year 2023. In the other countries in which Brembo operates, the Group increased its percentage of electricity from renewable sources: in China it went from 44% in 2022 to 53% in 2023, in Czech Republic from 29% to 43% and in Poland from 85% to 86%. Finally, Brembo increased the purchase of REC certificates in the US for its consumption in the country from 24% to 48%. In India, as of 2021 Brembo purchases renewable source electricity from photovoltaic systems installed at the Pune site (plant with a capacity of 900 kWp ) In 2023, renewable energy accounted for 7% of the consumption in the country. Lastly, Spain’s share of renewable energy was 93%

With regard to energy efficiency, the actions taken to achieve these goals include, for example, adopting advanced monitoring systems (B.E.P. — Brembo Energy Platform), interconnected with the factory’s main utilities according to a smart factory approach, replacing obsolete systems with others using more efficient technologies, reducing waste (e.g., the search for and reduction of compressed air leakages), automatically shutting down systems or parts of systems during unproductive periods), heat recovery (for instance, from compressors’ cooling circuits). 

The promotion of energy saving, which is reflected in the rational use of energy and hence in reduced consumption, is a topic that involves all the Group’s operating units, which were asked to help achieve, each with a specific target, Brembo’s energy efficiency objective set for 2023 at 2.70% (calculated as contribution from improvement actions achieved thanks to energy efficiency projects compared to previous year's consumption). 

The 200 projects developed in 2023 generated an overall energy saving of 147,843 GJ, equal to 22,551 tonnes of CO2equivalent. This objective has been largely exceeded, with a 3.48% result especially thanks to the activities aimed at optimising the foundries' production processes.

Overall, in 2023 Brembo's energy consumption amounted to just above 5.5 million GJ, with a 6% increase compared to 2022, as a result of a balance of resumption and growth of production activities — previously affected by production stoppages due to the pandemic — and energy efficiency projects implemented.


SBS Heat Recovery – Brembo Sustainability Awards 2022

n 2023, the "Brembo Sustainability Awards 2022" was awarded to the "SBS Heat Recovery" project carried out at the SBS Friction production plant in Denmark. The aim of the project is to recover the heat coming from the production processes, to heat premises during the winter season, thus reducing the consumption of fossil fuels. 

The recovery system: 

- exploits the heat generated by the cooling of production machines, allowing production and office environments to be heated against a reduction in the consumption of natural gas and related GHG emissions (up to 85%); 

- it is scalable and applicable across Operations; 

- it is the first example in the Group of usage of a heat pump with CO2 natural coolant with minimal heating potential (GWP).