Registered Office Relocation


Publishing date 22 May 2024 16:44

New composition of the Company's share capital, following the effectiveness of the cross-border conversion and the consequent allocation of the Special Voting Shares

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Brembo’s Cross-Border Conversion

Publishing date 24 April 2024 12:25

Effectiveness of Brembo’s Cross-Border Conversion and allotment of special voting shares

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Brembo’s Cross-Border Conversion

Publishing date 31 January 2024 17:15

Withdrawal procedure concluded with payment of the liquidation value and transfer of shares to those entitled

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Brembo’s Cross-Border Conversion

Publishing date 25 January 2024 17:45

Dutch notarial deed of Cross-Border Conversion executed today Transaction carried out with effectiveness deferred to the day following the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the 2023 Financial Statements

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Publishing date 12 January 2024 18:54

BYLAWS effective 12.01.2024

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Brembo’s Cross-Border Conversion

Publishing date 12 January 2024 18:22

Brembo’s Cross-Border Conversion and Liquidation of withdrawal shares

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Publishing date 12 January 2024 17:54

Notice of change in share capital pursuant to article 85-bis of the issuers' regulation

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Brembo S.p.A.’s Cross-Border Conversion

Publishing date 04 December 2023 12:05

Fulfilment of activities instrumental to the completion of the Transaction. Liquidation of the withdrawal shares set for 31 January 2024

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Results of the option and pre-emption offer

Publishing date 06 October 2023 18:24

Results of the option and pre-emption offer of shares subject to withdrawal

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Publishing date 30 August 2023 10:59

Option Right Offer Notice pursuant to Article 2437-quater, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Italian Civil Code.

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Publishing date 30 August 2023 10:57

Form to exercise the Option and Pre-Emptive Right

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Minutes Of The Shareholders’ Meeting 27.07.2023

Publishing date 04 August 2023 11:11

Minute of the Brembo Shareholders Meeting held on 27.07.2023 and related annexes

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Information To Exercise The Right Of Withdrawal Pursuant To Article 84 Of Issuers’ Regulation

Publishing date 04 August 2023 11:10

Notice pursuant to article 84 of Issuers’ Regulation – Information concerning the exercise of the right of withdrawal

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Form For The Statement Of Exercise Of The Right Of Withdrawal

Publishing date 04 August 2023 11:08

Form Statement of exercise of the right of withdrawal pursuant to Article 2437 et seq. of the Italian Civil Code

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Summary Report Of The Votes – Shareholders’ Meeting 27.07.2023

Publishing date 27 July 2023 17:43

Summary Report of The Votes to the Shareholders’ Meeting 27.07.2023 pursuant to art. 125-quarter, par. 2, of the Financial Consolidation Law (TUF).

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Publishing date 28 June 2023 16:48

Questions & Answers - Cross-Border Conversion

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BOD Report about Cross-Border Conversion Proposal

Publishing date 26 June 2023 17:24

BOD Illustrative Report about Cross-Border Conversion Proposal and relevant Annexes

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New Bylaws according to Dutch Law – Dutch Version

Publishing date 26 June 2023 17:22

New Bylaws according to Dutch Law in Dutch language (Ann. A of the BOD Report)

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New Bylaws according to Dutch Law – English Version

Publishing date 26 June 2023 17:21

New Bylaws according to Dutch Law in English language (Ann. A of the BOD Report)

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Special Voting Shares Terms & Conditions

Publishing date 26 June 2023 17:19

Special Voting Shares Terms & Conditions (Ann. B of the BOD Report)

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Applicable law Comparative Chart before and after Cross-Border Conversion

Publishing date 26 June 2023 17:18

Applicable law Comparative Chart before and after Cross-Border Conversion (Ann. C of the BOD Report)

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Temporary Bylaws according to Italian Law

Publishing date 26 June 2023 17:17

Temporary Bylaws according to Italian Law (Ann. Dof the BOD Report)

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Notice of Calling of The Shareholders’ Meeting on July 27th 2023

Publishing date 20 June 2023 17:55

Notice of Calling of the Shareholders’ Meeting on July 27th 2023 (one calling)

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Brembo announces the proposal to relocate its registered office to the Netherlands

Publishing date 20 June 2023 17:40

Brembo announces the proposal to relocate its registered office to the Netherlands.

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