Enesys is the acronym of ENErgy Saving sYStem
The spring’s task is to make sure that the brake pads return to their initial position in the caliper once the brake pedal is released, thus avoiding undesired friction between the pads and the brake disc.
Thanks to Enesys, this process is further improved, providing multiple major benefits. This small yet ultra-efficient solution prioritises a reduction of both emissions and energy waste, while also guaranteeing an overall increase in performance of a vehicle with the same engine, power and weight.
Enesys further contributes to lowering vehicle emissions because it limits brake pad and disc wear, decreasing the brake dust generated by residual friction. Avoiding excessive wear also means reducing brake system maintenance while increasing its durability.
This solution confirms Brembo commitment to always improving and developing more eco-friendly production processes while delivering the best braking performances.