Brembo presents its first In-Wheel application


 After 3 years of experimentation in wheel-end architecture, Brembo is taking giant steps into the future with EU-LIVE

Over a half-century of business Brembo has accumulated a significant background knowledge of braking systems and significant experience in their design.

Starting from these competencies, in April 2012 it launched into an analysis of In-Wheel architecture. After three years, these studies led to actualizing the technology being presented in a "sneak preview" at the 66th edition of the International Motor Show in Frankfurt.

Brembo has fitted a car with four electric engines, one for each wheel. They each have 90 Kw of maximum power and 900 Nm of maximum torque, averaging 60 Kw and 600 Nm respectively.
The integration of the mechanics, engine and brakes is entrusted to a control system that manages the whole corners, including the engines and the brakes.



With this, traction, regeneration and dissipation are all managed by an integrated control. The benefits of this solution are numerous, as road tests conducted by Brembo in recent months have proven.

Besides the power, improvements are also seen in the dynamic behavior of the car and safety. The implementation of independent controls on the four wheels allows to regulate their behavior with precision. At the core of this system, designed by Brembo, is a permanent magnets brushless motor equipped with a very compact stator-rotor assembly.





The braking system, on the other hand, consists of the Brake By Wire electromechanical system with lightweight caliper and disc.

Brembo is also one of 12 partners in the EU-LIVE project (Efficient Urban Light Vehicles). The project, presented last June in Graz, Austria, involves a European consortium of companies in the automotive sector, parts manufacturers and research institutes.

Brembo is the only Italian company to participate in EU-LIVE, which is determined to make L-category electric vehicles more attractive. Up to now, this category has remained on the margin of the market because of the high sales price.

Combining the know-how of its partners, EU-LIVE aims to create a common platform that would allow three different electric vehicles to be developed in 36 months, with two, three and four wheels. All of these vehicles will weigh less than 450 Kg and will be ready to go into production.

The future cannot wait and for once, instead of braking, Brembo is accelerating.