Risk Management policy

Effective risk management is a key factor in maintaining the Group’s value over time. In this regard, within the framework of its Corporate Governance system, the Group defined Brembo’s Internal Control and Risk Management System (ICRMS) in compliance with the principles set out in the Corporate Governance Code and, more generally, with national and international best practices. 

This system represents the set of organisational structures, rules and procedures that allows the main business risks within the Group to be identified, measured, managed and monitored, while helping the company to be run in a manner that is sound, correct and consistent with the objectives defined by the Board of Directors, and favouring the adoption of informed decisions consistent with the risk profile, as well as dissemination of a proper understanding of risks, lawfullness and corporate values. ​

The Board of Directors is tasked with defining the general guidelines of the ICRMS, so that the main risks pertaining to Brembo N.V. and Group subsidiaries are properly identified, as well as adequately measured, managed and monitored. It shall also set criteria to ensure that such risks are compatible with sound and proper management of the company. The Board of Directors is aware that the control processes cannot provide absolute assurances that the company objectives will be achieved and the intrinsic risks of business prevented; however, it believes that the ICRMS may reduce and mitigate the likelihood and impact of risk events associated with wrong decisions, human error, fraud, violations of laws, regulations and company procedures, as well as unexpected events.

The ICRMS is therefore subject to regular examination and controls, taking account of developments in the company’s operations and reference context, as well as national and international best practices. main corporate committees/functions relevant for risk management purposes, by defining their respective duties and responsibilities within the ICRMS scope. More specifically:

• the Audit, & Risk & Sustainability Committee, tasked with supporting the Board of Directors on internal control, sustainability and risk management issues; ​
• the Executive Director with responsibility for the Internal Control and Risk Management System, tasked with identifying the main corporate risks by executing risk management guidelines and verifying their adequacy;
• the Managerial Risk Committee, responsible for identifying and weighing the macro-risks and working with the system stakeholders to mitigate them;
• the Head of Risk Management​, tasked with ensuring, together with the management, that the main risks relating to Brembo and its subsidiaries are correctly identified, adequately measured, managed, monitored, and integrated within a corporate governance system consistent with the strategic objectives.

Risks are monitored at meetings held on at least a monthly basis, where results, opportunities and risks are analysed for each business unit and geographical region in which Brembo operates. The meetings also focus on determining the actions required to mitigate any risks.

Brembo’s general risk-management policies and the bodies charged with risk evaluation and monitoring are included in the Cope of Corporate Governance, in the "Policies for the implementation of the Internal Control and Risk Management System", in the risk management procedure, in the Organisation, Management and Control Model (as per Italian Legislative Decree No. 231/2001) and in the reference layout for preparing accounting documents (as per Article 154-bis of TUF), to which the reader is referred. ​

The Executive Director with responsibility for the Internal Control and Risk Management System fully enforces the risk management guidelines based on principles of prevention, cost effectiveness and ongoing improvement, as approved by the Board of Directors.

In order to provide the organisation with the instruments for identifying the risk categories to which attention should be drawn, Brembo has developed a model which groups risk classes by type, based on the managerial level or corporate function from which they originate or that is responsible for monitoring and managing them.

The Internal Audit function evaluates the effectiveness and efficiency of the overall Internal Control and Risk Management System on a regular basis and reports the results to the Chairman, the Executive Deputy Chairman, the Chief Executive Officer, the Board of Statutory Auditors, the Audit & Risk Committee and the Supervisory Committee of Brembo N.V. with reference to specific risks connected with compliance with Legislative Decree No. 231/2001. On an annual basis, it also reports to the Board of Directors. 

For an in-depth analysis of the main risks for Brembo divided according to “risk family”, please refer to the chapter on the Risk Management Policy contained in the Annual Financial Report. ​