House of Smiles Brembo-Cesvi inaugurated in India


 ​Cristina Bombassei, Corporate Social Responsibility Officer at Brembo, recently traveled to India to inaugurate one of the Group's most important CSR projects outside of Europe.


She gave the green light to begin activity at the House of Smiles Brembo-Cesvi, which was built with the support of the local CSR committee and the Brembo Brake India team. The House of Smiles is coordinated by Cesvi, an Italian non-profit organization that has been active in India since 1998, offering protection programs for children and support for women's rights.

The structure is a multi-service hub, a small modular village developed across several areas and managed by teams of specialized operators and volunteers who focus on teaching, health education and professional training for at-risk minors, youth and women. ​